Three reasons why NOT to build a dog park in Columbia Heights
UPDATE: DC Council made their $2.1 million bid for the lot in support of the dog park in early February. The lot is on the open market until the end of the month. According to an article in The Washington Post, DC Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau (D-Ward 1) is not optimistic that the city will win the bid.
We all love our furry friends, but prioritizing a dog park in Columbia Heights over much-needed housing may be unethical. In an article for Greater Greater Washington Nick Finio, an NCSG Faculty Research Assistant, and Alex Baca, Engagement Director at Coalition for Smarter Growth, look at what we’re missing when we prioritize pets over people. The authors conclude that a luxury good (such as a dog park) is not worth the effect of driving house prices even higher, especially when DC taxpayers would ultimately be paying for the $2.1 million parcel of land.
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